My sister dropped her little guy Riley off with me a couple weeks ago to babysit while she worked and got some things done. He was pretty sleepy most of the time His eyes would be open and alert just chilling on the bed, swaddled, checking out his surroundings. Then his eyes would start to close. It was so cute!
For those of you new to my blog, Riley was born Dec 6 2011 but was really supposed to be due early March 2012. He spent 3 months or so in the NICU and just came home this month , a couple weeks ago now I guess. He is doing pretty well and my sister and her husband are adjusting to having him home now. No more daily trips to the hospital which I'm sure is nice for them.
His little hand wiggled free out of his burrito wrap. haha!
Laura came and fed him after a couple hours and she is burping him here.
He looks thrilled.
It's so fun having a nephew here in UT not far from where I live.
My niece lives in Washington and I usually only get to see her at Thanksgiving.
Another sister is having a baby in September but she lives in Idaho.
It's nice to have Riley right here in Utah so I can see him kind of often :)
cute little riley! your lucky to live so close ;)
What an amazing little guy! So glad that everything has turned out so well. Nate was 2 months premature, and his story has a happy ending too. Love to see the updates!
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