Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Girls Night Out @ Thanksgiving Point

I promoted an event by the Utah Kids Club on my blog and gave away 2 pairs of tickets as well. In exchange for promoting the event I got a ticket to attend as well so that was very cool! I heard this was the second year this event has happened.  I headed over right when I got off work and met up with my friend Aimee who was already there and then Laura met up with us later. I wish more of my friends had been interested in going. Despite the wind, wait times to do things and the fact I had to leave early, it was really fun. There were many booths set up with vendors selling items geared towards women, free massages, free glitter toes, pedicures and more. It was crazy! It went from 5-10pm and I could have stayed busy the whole time.

I did not take many pictures at all because I was so busy but I did snap a few!

Got my nails done (you can see the picture of them in the ward picnic post when I'm eating my sandwich if you care to look). Thanks to Aimee for taking this picture for me!

Before I had to go we got some food at the Carribean Grill. This was Aimee's food. Chicken on a stick (kabob!!) , rice and salad. Looked super delicious. 

I got these yummy fries...

...and a chicken kabob and grilled pineapple. 

Then I had to jet off back to Midvale quickly to meet Tony at Massage Envy to use these...

I got 1 gift card from a recent blogger event at Massage Envy and then I won one in a blog contest too! The catch is that we had to use them by the end of the month and well, it was the last day of the month before we got around to using them :-/ Thus the reason I had to leave the Girls Night Out so early. But we got a couples massage and it was ...interesting! Only because I didnt know what to do or expect. But about 15 min in I was finally able to relax and enjoy the massage. My back hurt from walking around and standing a lot at Thanksgiving Point so it felt awesome to get some of that stress taken away. Woot. So glad we were able to use these gift cards in time! Now if only I could figure out how to make time to make it worth my while to get a membership ;-)

1 comment:

Meradeth Houston said...

You're always up to such fun stuff! And nothing beats a massage--especially a free one :)