I think I will put my blog post about the Snoop Dogg concert & the fair in a separate post.
My friend Tim flew in for a visit from SLC on Thursday evening. When Laura & I shared an apt in Woodland, he lived in the next building over. We met him when we were moving in and asked him to move because he was playing bball outside our storage unit. Started talking and have been friends ever since. He currently lives in Utah but has always wanted to come visit Arizona. It wasnt the most perfect wknd bc I had elections work but other than that we had a great time!
I picked him up and we met Melissa & Justine at YoDipity (froyo place) in Mesa and then we called it a night. Sadly I took no pictures for some reason.
Friday I had to work all day and he had my car. He and my roomies Peipei and Natalie picked me up from work and we spent the rest of the evening at the fair.
Saturday morning I had a meeting in Phoenix to get my packets to deliver to the inspectors. He hung out with a friend in the morning and I finally made it home around 2:30pm. We went to see Salt at the dollar theater. Then we went to eat at Uncle Bear's ( a sports bar & grill my cousins had told me about ) and we finally found it and ordered food. It was pretty delish!
Next we headed home so that we could be ready to go when Brennen and my friend Catt showed up. Well, we werent quite ready but we eventually made it out the door! Here are our costumes..
I was a cockatiel! caw caw - CAW CAW!
Brennen was a cockatiel too! Pretty freekin' awesome. Our friend Kristin who used to live in Mesa but now is in southern Utah, made these hats for us! They turned out great!
Tim was a denti...I mean, doctor! Dr. Quinn, medicine woma....I mean, man!
My friend from EFY back in..99? or 2001? I sometimes dont remember but this is Catt and she lives in Mesa currently. She came party hopping with us
So the first party we hopped to was a cardboard box maze. Set up with cameras inside and everything! You could watch where people were at somewhere in the maze, on 4-5 tv's set up outside. It was quite impressive. My friend Chaisse , her family has done this for 9 years. This year was the first time they accepted canned food donations because her brother made it his Eagle project. You had to crawl on your hands and knees. I felt a little claustrophobic but not too bad. Catt and I went in together, Brennen trailed behind us and Tim didnt go in. I found 2 girls who were on their 3rd time through the maze so we followed them to get out again or else we might have stayed in there forever!We stayed longer than planned and by the time we left it was 1130pm and the other party we tried to go to was over. So we went to Red Line Pizza (not many places open still at this late at night) and filled up on some delish pizza then went home. It was a fun pre-Halloween aka "Mormon Halloween" night!
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