Thursday, March 15, 2012

Penny Ann's Cafe

 Since March 14th was Pi(e) Day, I really wanted to eat some pie! Thought about making one but Tony and I dont need to be eating a whole pie. I tweeted out to my friends if they knew of any good places to just go get a slice of pie without having to buy a meal and my friend Aimee suggested Penny Ann's Cafe in SLC. So after work my friend Celeste met up with me and we drove downtown. Tony & my sister Laura and her lil Mr. Riley met us there.

Above is Tony's food. He got grilled cheese and a salad because once we got there, the food menu looked so good we couldn't resist.  So we got food AND pie. So many food choices on the menu (which you can see online) made it hard to decide what to get. It took us quite awhile to figure out what we wanted to order.
 Mine was a pasta alfredo bowl with a breadstick. It was pretty good.
 THE PIE!  This one above was my favorite. Lemon Raspberry Cream and all pie slices were $1 because of the 'holiday.' Tony got this one and it was so so good. He let me have a few bites. 
 This is Celeste's pie and she got the cookies and cream. Looks so good!

This was my pie and all you can see is the whipped cream but trust me when I say there really was pie underneath! I got the coconut cream and it was delicious. Laura got her pie boxed to go and she had a Lemon Raspberry Cream and I cant remember the other slice she got.
This is a place I'd love to go back to and eat at again. Plus include a piece of pie ;-)

Location: 1810 S. Main Street   SLC, UT 84115

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