Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Camp Wilderness - Day 2

Wednesday at Camp Wilderness. Phew. Made it through Tuesday and Wednesday had more electives and other activities for the girls to do.

In the morning they learned how to build different kinds of fires.

That was fun to watch I guess. The girls did a great job.


Baked potato bar. 
And I was sure to let the cooks know how glad I was that the salad was not strictly just iceberg lettuce.

Take some pictures around the camp.

Service project time. Cutting out little diapers for babies that pass away.

We did a lot!

Similar colors to Camp Ritchie but the cabins are very different with one level instead of 2 rooms downstairs and am upstairs like what I'm used to. Also, sidewalks connect all the cabins (and a couple large tents) so at night girls would be running up and down in bare feet or flip flops. Whoa! None of that happens at Camp Ritchie because its a lot of dirt and rocks, no sidewalks. Flip flops are allowed in the shower and that's about it.

It was a very pretty area.

I brought my nailpolish and some of the girls in my cabin painted their nails during free time. 
They didn't get much free time and I am not sure why. Maybe it's been abused in the past? Maybe there is not enough for the girls to do to keep busy? The crafts were super minimal from what I could tell. I didn't even know where they were happening until almost the last day. That made me sad because crafts are a huge part of camp for me!

Doing something around the flagpole. I think taking down the flag before dinner and doing some songs.

The cooks were so animated and fun and really got into their themes! This was Italian dinner night.

So good! Salad, french bread and a pasta dish.

Night time campfire? It wasn't much that night I don't think because they were doing a dance. Which I guess had never been done before which was interesting to me as Camp Ritchie always has a dance. Sometimes in the afternoon, sometimes at night.

I just stood and watched all the girls dance. Occasionally talked to the other leaders. I don't enjoy dancing and prefer watching but it was hard to just stand and hang out for such a long time. I'd rather sit but overall it went well despite the lack of having a good way to play the music. The way set up wasn't working so they ended up sticking a mic I think to the speaker of the device playing the set list.

Dancing on the basketball court. Now that I am looking at these pictures, it really was not a lot of girls at camp. Maybe around 50? I'm not certain. The max amount of girls when I was a youth that went up (including leaders, I think) was 140. Around that. So fun! But having a smaller camp is fun too I guess.

Sun is going down...

Night time view of inside of our cabin. I am not sure where everyone was but I was ready for Zzz.

At the camp I am used to going to, I am up so early! 5:45? To start early morning rappelling at 6:15am. But no early morning activities here unless girls wanted to go running, which some did.

Ready for Day 3 ?

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