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I went to the first 3 years of a YouTube conference called VidCon in L.A which was totally awesome except for when it wasn't...the 3rd year for me got too big, too fan-girl'ish and a bit too crazy. Then, a few years down the road, Utah started CVX Live - their version of a YouTube conference and I've gone every year since it started because I really enjoyed it even though I don't make videos on a consistent basis. Keep reading to find out who some of my favorite YouTuber's are and for a discount code to CVX Live!
2010 with iJustine at VidCon
I went to VidCon in California when I was really into YouTube, watching videos often! But after awhile I slowed my watching down quite a bit until it dwindled down to pretty much nothing. Life took me in a busier direction with working full time, school part time, hosting Pinterest parties and traveling. In the meantime, I attended CVX Live when I moved to Utah since it was closer and more on the scale of size I preferred.
This year things changed and I started watching more YouTube and have some favorite channels I'd love to share. Leave me a comment and let me know who some of your favorite YouTuber's are! Big or small, promote yourself, promote a friend... I wanna check out those channels!
Some YouTuber's I Currently Follow. Pt 1.
Sparkly Family Vlogs - not even sure how I found these cool YouTuber's but its a teen couple who are married and have little twin boys plus their baby girl Ever and they are super chill enjoying life in Hawaii. They have stressful times sure and they keep it real but I just love their vids. Plus their intro song is pretty nice. They recently got monetized so go check them out!
The Norris Nuts - One of my new favorite channels I found (I dont know how) this year. They are the cutest kids from Australia and they have such fun videos. They are full of life and energy, their mom just had a new baby and all the kids skateboard. Love the accents and their positive vibe.
Musing Beauty - okay so you all know by now I don't wear much makeup, I'm not good or that interested in makeup. But this girl I found on Instagram a few months ago and I love her posts so decided to check her out and give her some support on YouTube as well. If you are in to makeup and such, you'd like her videos :)
DevinSuperTramp - you really can't go wrong with these action packed videos. I've met Devin before, I'm friends with his sister and know his family fairly well since I served an LDS mission in Portland and they were living next to the area I was assigned to. I'm so impressed with Devin's videos even if I'm not super in to parkour or video game type of stuff, he has some really really neat videos that span a broad range of adventures. You gotta watch his stuff if you aren't already!
The Dale Tribe - ahh, this family! I have seen them at CVX Live the past couple years now I think and they are super nice! Their videos are pretty cool and I enjoy their content. Plus the dad has somewhat of an accent which is always cute. Guys with
Brittani Louise Taylor - OMGOSH. This YouTuber has been around foreverrr! to me anyways. I first heard of her my very first year at VidCon probably and I did fall away from watching her videos for awhile but I'm back. She keeps things real, she is interesting to watch and I like her content.
Ellie & Jared - this is a family who vlogs and lives in Utah. I've heard about them off and on over the years, actually saw them at CVX Live last year and started watching their videos consistently the past few months. They seem to have the perfect life (I know thats not true) and they are a totally different family dynamic than what I'm in right now but they seem SO happy and I like seeing that. They post positive and uplifting content which I'm a fan of.
8 Passengers - I don't even know what to say about this family. It's interesting to watch a family on YouTube with a lot of kids since I grew up in a family with a lot of kids. The mom..kinda bugs me at times or seems a little fake but her kids are pretty cute and interesting to watch. They do a lot of fun things as a family. Her husband seems really kind and nice. I never watched their videos before 2018.
Colleen Ballinger - aka Miranda Sings. I love the show Haters Back Off and then I discovered her Youtube channel (so late in the game, I know) and have been kinda following her story ever since. She recently found out she was pregnant and her videos are just so funny.
CJ So Cool - who is this CJ guy? A rapper? Never heard of him or his family but the first video I watched was when he surprised his family with a new house (mansion!) so watching that was pretty interesting. the lifestyles of the rich and famous intrigue me from time to time. I do get motion sick from his videos though so viewer beware.
SmellyBellyTV - this family came to CVX Live last year and that's where I first heard of them. They have fun times together as a family and I enjoy watching that.
Random Acts - I first found this show on BYUTv but it's so cool they're on YouTube as well. So much good and uplifting content. I just love it.
Me with Studio C at CVX Live a couple years ago.
Keep reading for a round 2 post on more of my favorite YouTube channels.
Click below for tickets to CVX Live happening in September!
Use discount code: SAVE10 for 10% off!
CVX Live tickets
1 comment:
I always like to check out new YouTubers! Thanks for the great list!
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