Ah ha ha the title of this blog post made me laugh. It's something that Alex Boye' said last night at the Sandy Institute fireside/mini concert that I was able to attend. He got those words off a bumper sticker and seriously, its so true! Personally, I don't think my life sucks so I must not suck! Yeah! :) I don't give it a chance to suck, I try to stay busy doing fun and interesting things. People that are negative and say their life sucks and are down in the dumps, they suck, since they dont want to do anything about their situation to change it. I'm being bold here, but its true. Back to Alex Boye' though..
He started out with his conversion story, which really was entertaining. Actually, he started out with this video and then he sang us all a song! LOVE to hear him sing.
The fireside started at 830 and at this point when he was getting close to the end of his story it was almost 10pm. Some cool things he said that I took note of were...
"Conversion is when you do things on your own with nobody telling you to" (well, I kind of paraphrased it since I couldn't swype on my phone fast enough. Lame.
"Happy people seem to receive revelation more than unhappy people."
We as LDS people should be the happiest people on earth but generally we are not (I know I'm not always happy!) "The world is a great mirror reflecting who you are." (paraphrased again). "We all walk around with a story." [ so basically, don't judge ]
"If you continue to walk around with doubt and worry, that's what you will reflect to people." He gave some tips to be more positive. Really cool. Ready? Here you go!
1. Start and end the day with positive thoughts. Morning noon and night.No mediocre thoughts. Say, "I believe I am always divinely guided." [this is what he says, you can say whatever positive thought you want I guess, either out-loud or in your head]
2. "I believe I will always take the right turn in the road."
3. "I believe God will always make a way when there is no way."
Then he said to look up 2 Nephi 24:24. [I linked it for you]
Since I've met Alex a handful of times in the past, I decided to bypass the long line and head home because by the time I left , it was almost 11pm! But here's a picture for your enjoyment :)
2008. Maybe I do need to get a more recent pic of us!
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