So this last week has been spirit week for BYU and University of Utah I guess. I go to neither school but have just seen updates from friends who go to those schools on my Twitter and Facebook.
On Friday night , whoever wanted to participate, headed out to set a world record for the largest dodgeball game ever played. Tony wanted to stay home and watch Boise State play so my friend Celeste picked me up a little after 5 and we headed out to Thanksgiving Point where the event was happening. It had been raining all afternoon but luckily it cleared up just in time for the game. Phew! We waited in line 15 minutes or so after meeting up with Celeste's sister Bonnie and her friend Kat.
Little kids dodge ball game
We got 2 wristbands, one red and one blue. We got a tshirt (either red or blue). Food was free JDawgs, which I dont like hotdogs but I got one for Bonnie and Kat to share because once you got food, they snipped off your red wristband.
The line of balls ready to go was a lot longer (to the left) than what is pictured here
Celeste, me, Bonnie & Kat ready to play! GO BYU!
People standing around waiting for the game to begin. They had a stage set up with a DJ and then later a band came and played.
Some people were wearing some interesting stuff, like the guy in the white jacket on the right hand side of the picture, had short black biker shorts on. Ew!
Celeste and Bonnie with their phones
You might have to click the picture to enlarge it but straight ahead in the very middle of the picture is a tall guy, painted RED from head to toe! Pretty crazy
The game is about ready to begin! There was a ton more people on the blue side than on the red side
dodge the dodge balls!
me with my back to the game, a dangerous thing to do!
My friend Celeste :) Bonnie & Kat didnt want to play but Celeste and I stayed on the field and I got a lot of the action captured by my camera, pix and video
click to enlarge this panoramic of who was left when the game was coming to a close. Celeste and I got on top of a hill to get a better shot. The bright lights for the field messed up my pictures though :( Wish the game had started before dark!
My friend Devin (check out his YouTube channel - amazing vids!) in the middle of the action with his camera, filming (he is in the dark blue sweatshirt right in the middle of the picture). It was so cool because I saw him ( I knew he was there) and said "Hey Devin!" and he came over and we talked for a minute or two. I really admire his work!
It was a great evening and they had a movie (Dodgeball) and dance happening an hour after they ended the game but Celeste and I were cold and ready to go home. It was a fun event to be a part of though and I heard we set the world record so look for me in the next Guinness Book of World Records. Haha jk
OOO if I wasn't prego I would have totally played dodgeball! Looks like so much fun!
They might do it again next year! I bet you could play then! It was crazy how fast and hard that so many of the people could throw the balls. Sometimes random people would run down the middle of the field to see if they'd get hit or not. Kinda funny
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