Things have been getting a bit crazier in life lately with work getting busier , car problems , figuring out moving + the wedding planning getting more intense since there are only
thats right, 60 days left until our wedding day. Yikes!
Friends have been helping me out a lot with my bouquet...
Thanks SO much to my friend Aimee in Utah..she came down to visit last weekend, Friday afternoon - Sunday morning and we went to SO many places. I didnt feel like we accomplished a ton but we did manage to put together my bouquet. It will be used for my bridal shots (more about that in my next post) , the Sacramento wedding or both. Yay! I think it turned out really cute
A good friend of mine in California helped find good glass jars for the candy buffet bar at the Woodland reception!
I have been doing some shopping in Arizona...and discovered Party City
experimenting with our table decorations for the California reception...
In the middle of all that I've found time to go shooting at Caswell's where I had a membership (it expires this month..only used it once. Thank you, thank you very much..) I didnt do too badly shooting my friend Elisa's gun (the dummy) but the 2nd gun I shot had a lot more kick and power to it so it was really hard to keep it aimed where I wanted it. Fun night tho!
Made it to almost all of Joey's (#4) football games this season. The Hawks have done really well and won almost all of their games I believe. It's been fun to sit and watch him play on Saturday afternoons in Chandler.
Went scrapbooking with my scrapbook group! This time they met in Mesa. I got to use a cricut machine for the first time and made what you see owl and a congrat (I lost the "s") die cut. One good thing about moving to Utah is that I plan to have more time to scrapbook with my friend Aimee who lives there (and has a Cricut!) and whoever else. I will miss my scrapbook group here badly but as for scrapbooking on my own, I'm too busy with YSA and other activities. In Utah I imagine I wont be quite as social :-/ we'll see
Next posts:
Tony's trip to Arizona for an early Valentine day celebration!
Contest results of the Elle J Photography shoot/makeover that I entered
It sounds like your wedding plans are really starting to come together! I bet everything is going to turn out so beautifully! :)
Wow, you've been busy! I can't believe your wedding is in just two more months. Your plans are all looking so pretty!
I'm sure you will be just as social in Utah as you are in Arizona! Rocky and I were talking about it the other night.
Its nice to see pics of what you have gotten so far for the wedding!
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