I am so behind on blogging its not funny! Agh! Maybe I need to slow down my life a bit..hehe. SO I cant stop myself from showing pictures of a super awesome place Tony and I went on Sunday in southern Utah called the Wave. (Dont worry, I will blog about New Years, my top 10 of 2010 and CES!) But for now , enjoy some pictures. The rest will be put up on our travel blog this week.
Click the panoramic shots to see them blown up bigger
Tony bought us a sweet tripod that has all kinds of adjustments on it and he was so good about carrying it around and setting up different shots to get pictures of us!
shot of the area we were in
model type pose - lol -
It was SO cold but we took off layers along the way
My shadow behind Tony
Yes it was snowy!
Standing on the wave. The colors are so cool here
Stay tuned to our travel blog (link on sidebar) for more details / information about the hike and many more amazing pictures!
Please do not use these pictures without my persmission!
1 comment:
Ooo this place looks so fun! And I love all your Christmas posts! :) You and Tony are so cute together! So I used Blog2Print. It was expensive, but I found out I am able to save all my books I make and I can come back and buy them later. I am just buying one years worth at a time. So I have 2 more blog books to buy. :P Hopefully I can buy them within the next 2 or 3 months.
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