My friend Kris!
Wednesday my friend Kris went with me to pick up my dress. Cleaned and ready to go! YES! It was so nice to finally have it in my possession. Plus it was nice to have her company on the way to Roseville and back. On the way home we stopped at this cool frozen yogurt place in Natomas for a treat. (pictured above)
Visted a childhood friend - Ashleigh- in the crazy that she is married with a kid now and 1 on the way! Had a great time visiting with her and meeting her husband and son.
Ate with my friend Franchesca in Davis at a place called Burgers and Brew. I must say I was SUPER impressed. My side salad was HUGE and healthy. My hamburger was so large I couldnt finish it all at one time. It was so awesome to see Fran and catch up on things. We havent met up face-to-face for quite awhile!
Went to lunch with my friend Andrea, her mom Amada, out in Zamora. I took this pic of these funny duck turkey bird type things. I think they were wild turkeys. The lunch was so good, with some friend's of Amadas. We had mole and posole' and other yummy food. I was so full at the end and it was neat trying some new foods! The family is so humble and make do with what they have. I left feel SO appreciative for all the things I have that I enjoy so much.
Friday was the last day I had to see as many people as I could so I went
crazy delivering my chocolate dipped pretzels to friends and old
neighbors and our family Christmas newsletter. Below are some goodies my neighbors across the street where I grew up, gave me. So nice! and I loved visiting with them for a few minutes.
Visited the people who moved into the home where I grew up. Sad to see how things inside have changed...
they painted the top cabinets white but the bottom ones are the original color. Other than that the fridge and stove are the same. Yay!
The living room is so different. They painted the gray brick around the fireplace so that its white now. put in wood flooring. The bookshelves are still the same though! Yess!
Our family room - with wood floor. Same ceiling but they knocked out the window wall that used to separate the kitchen and family room. So strange!
Visited my old job at Color Supply, Inc and got to see Kip, Mike and Steven. Their work day was almost over so everyone else was gone for the day. Stopped by my friend Caryn's house for a tiny treat of foods she was making, caught up on news and filled her in on wedding stuff. Ahh good times!
Had a super awesome dinner Friday evening with the Kelley family. They make some of the best dinners I've tasted (and I've tasted a lot!) and then we had our little gift exchange where I got this really cool panda treat jar. They always get me something I love and are so generous in having me (and my sister when she is in town)
Then I drove around a bit and looked at Christmas lights. Above is my friend Kirsten & Lance's house. Their lights were SO NEAT! I like how they reflect off the house into a cool design
Driving by Ferns park there was a big present in the street. I was not going to be tricked again! Once when I was a teenager my family & I were out looking at lights and there was a present in the street. So I jumped out to pick it up and someone was pulling it on a string! My family laughed and laughed for a long time about this (and probably still do). Hmph!
This present was pretty large to get pulled on a string (the one above) so I just went around it instead. Weird! Sorry for the blurry picture - cars were starting to pull up behind me.
More Christmas lights around Woodland
Christmas Day is coming - next post!
Christmas Day is coming - next post!
Man, it is such a great time of the year... always makes me a little sad when it's over...
Srsly - me too - i feel like I was anticipating it so much for so many days and then suddenly Christmas was here, then it was gone so fast :( boo not fair!
LOL i like how you took pics of the inside of our house!
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