Thursday, May 20, 2010

Food Junkie

When I was in Utah Tony made me some delish beef jerky. He had some ready for me when I came and he made some more for me a couple weeks later.

Here I am with a crazy face because I love homemade pasta (spaghetti noodles) they take such a quick time to cook on the stove since they arent as dry as the store bought noodles.

This night he made homemade pasta for spaghetti and homemade ravioli's that turned out really good. He also made homemade bread that is so good I dont even need to put butter on it to eat it.

We were supposed to make these Easter wknd but we never did. So we made them when I came to Utah a couple weeks after Easter! (during my 3 wk long trip) they turned out quite good :)

Free scoop night at Baskin Robbins. I thought we were supposed to donate money to firefighters or something but there was no boot to put money in so we chose our 3 flavors and walked out. Not sure if we had to well it was really good ice cream. I got cherry jubilee, a pineapple coconut one and bubblegum <-- bc I never get that one. Mmm Mmmm

Here we are with ice cream again. I think its more like frozen yogurt but I see this at Costco and have always wanted to get one, so we did! Here Tony is trying to steal my favorite part - the tip! - off the cup of yumminess.

I had won free passes to eat at Sub Zero Ice Cream - one of my all time favorite places to go - liquid nitrogen ice cream! They just opened one in Phoenix and Boise. There is one in the Orem mall (where we went) and in Provo. I mixed a lot of flavors in mine so it turned out an interesting color, kind of army green, but it was still good. My friend Melissa from Arizona who is going to the Paul Mitchell school for hair , met Tony & I there along with her friend. It was so great to see Melissa again and catch up on newsy news & fill her in on Arizona happenings.

One night at Winco I wanted to get some of this. Then I remembered I could make my own. But still...only in Utah !

One day Tony came home for lunch & surprised me by taking me out to eat. I had told him when I was growing up living in California, my dad would come home for lunch every day & my mom would make him food or one of us kids would. It was always a treat to see him in the middle of the day. Tony wanted to take me to a place he had seen but it turned out not to serve food, just coffee and other drinks. In the same area though, was a Mexican restaurant so we got food there instead. Even though our waitress wasn't the nicest, the food was decent and the atmosphere too. It was really fun to spend time with Tony in the middle of the day instead of having to wait til he got off work to see him. blog post will probably be about my car hunt in Utah...stay tuned!

1 comment:

Ash and Matt | A SoCal Story said...

K, all of those food pictures look delicious! Now I'm hungry and craving ice cream :-)