Saturday, December 8, 2012

Blogger Night at KSL News!


My friend Aimee and I went to a blogger night at KSL Studio in Salt Lake City on November 13 because they finally completed their new set and were letting us come check it out. I liked this sign hanging on the outside of the studio...

The #KSLLIVE was our hashtag for the night and there were lots of yummy treats to enjoy while we go to chat with the news personnel and other bloggers

Little hot chocolate bar!

So many monitors and screens everywhere! Its's really something

Do I look so professional?

 Here's a closer look...thanks to my friend Aimee for taking these pictures

This is everyone that came with Deanie Wimmer there in the middle in the pink jacket.

Thank you KSL Studio for allowing us all to come crash your new set for the evening and talk with us , doing a little Q&A session.  It was a fun time!

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