Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Tracy Bird Aviary

This is one of my favorite places to go in SLC. We took Tony's parents here after we went to Thanksgiving Point. So much walking but we managed it!

Owl Forest! My favorite part of course ;-)

 An owl looking at us

Loved the name of this one...Saw-whet! haha! 

 I'm an owl! Tony is a Toucan

 Eagle in the grass

This was a hawk I think. Pretty big!

scritch the pretty bird!

 Some cool flamingos!

 On our way back to the car, there was a festival going on at the park where the aviary is at. This park is HUGE and I saw a booth doing henna tattoos. Love getting these so much, I dont know why. Tony's mom was interested in getting one too so we both got owls :) I think they turned out great!

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