Friday, January 30, 2015

School is Cool!

 So I am not sure how many of you saw my Facebook post or not about applying to LDS Business College in December to go back to school because believe it or not, school is actually cool when you find a degree you want to get so badly! This is what happened to me, I heard about a degree called Social Media Marketing and decided to apply ( a real college - not a community college! ) and what do you know... 

I got accepted!  

Classes started a few weeks ago and I go Tuesday and Thursday evenings this semester.So far it has been super great! (minus missing blogger events and YW activities)

 This is my class for Social Media Marketing Strategy.
My teacher is Jane Putnam and she is wearing the navy blue shirt in the picture. She is actually in my sister's ward at church, so funny!
This is my Intro To Social Media class and it seems like I should take it first but its actually my second class of the night. My friend and fellow blogger, Lindsey, is the teacher! This is a required class to take which is why I am in here but it is super cool that I get to take it from someone I know. 

I have heard great things about all the teachers at LDSBC so that is encouraging.

I am still trying to get the hang of the BrainHoney website where all our assignments are posted, we upload videos and turn in homework assignments. It's tricky to figure out but hopefully I get it eventually and dont mess up too much in there.

Every time I am in class I feel like I am learning so much. This degree and social media in general is something I am so interested in, addicted to, and cant get enough of.  I am super excited to use it and eventually get a job doing social media for a company instead of data entry. Plus it pays a bit better which is a nice plus.

I have done projects for friends to help them grow their business or promote their ideas. It's been fun to help them out and learn as I go. I know getting this degree will help me so much in life, now, as well as in the future.

I feel so blessed to be going to a college that I remembered recently that I wanted to go there when I heard about it as a kid. BYU never really appealed to me but LDS Business College just sounded really neat and I cant believe I am actually a student there now. I cant believe I am back in college again either. Craziness!

1 comment:

Ashley Gilbert said...

Stacie this is so awesome!! And the perfect major for you too. Congrats and so excited for your new venture into school!