Wednesday, September 18, 2013

ADHD & Helicopter Rides

I have been looking forward to this event since Labor Day weekend. I believe it was Friday when Tony & I were going to head out of town to go camping with his family for a few days when my friend Aim told me that there was an event posted to one of the FB blogger groups about ADHD and helicopter rides - first 15 people to sign up could get in! So I quickly replied on the FB post that I was interested and ta-da, I got the information and also got very excited whenever I thought about it. Tuesday the 17th was the big day!

I told Tony to come home asap from work but he wasnt quite able to which made me antsy but also sort of feeling ok because 1) I'm always running late but this time it was Tony's turn 2) I guessed the event might not start on time (however, the food probably would!) so I got ready and the address plugged in to the GPS and was waiting outside in my car all ready to leave by the time Tony got there and away we went to the Spanish Fork airport. 

Oh Cafe Rio...I don't get to eat this very much, for some reason we do not go here often but the food was so so good. Yum!!

Everyone else had eaten but Aim had gotten there about the same time we did so we all ate and chatted a bit , then headed upstairs to hear Mark Patey talk about ADHD. I was a little sad to miss the beginning of his presentation but it could not have been helped I guess. 

I loved all the things he was saying and took a few notes.  He said...

"Different is not a disorder."

"People's whose minds wander have sharper brains."

He talked about ADHD/ADD and it was just so much information in so little time. He has a book coming out on October 1st and I hope there is a downloadable version available because I will so be buying it.  I'll be talking about this more on my Stacie Reviews It blog in the next few weeks I'm sure. Just a heads up that this is coming out and will be amazing!

After that, whoever wanted to was able to take a short ride in a helicopter. Mark is so amazing and I am blown away by all the things he has accomplished so far in his life. Google his name if you want..he speaks on personal and professional development.

Lycoming 720/780

I wasnt really too nervous - mostly just excited!

This was our 'ride' for probably 10 minutes but it felt more like 5 min. It was pretty smooth, Tony thought it was kind of bumpy. It was not as smooth as riding in a hot air balloon but I liked it a lot. I hope I get to go up again sometime. It was really amazing to see out over all the city lights and notice businesses, cars, a cop who had pulled someone over...all happening below us. 

Right before taking off for our ride

All in all an excellent time and I cant wait to read his book when it comes out. I believe it is called, "Addicts & Millionaires, The Gift and Curse of ADHD/ADD".  Watch for me to talk about this more soon!


aemynadira said...

Awesome!! I wish I'll have the same experience as yours someday. The Lycoming looks sooo cool!!

Different is not a disorder.

I like that ;)

amanda said...

Stacie, we all agreed that you have the cutest smile and love having you and your husband there!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

You were having fun while riding helicopter. I wish, i can also ride helicopter but it is not easy for me to ride it because i am a new learner of helicopter riding.