Tuesday, April 30, 2013

How About Some RSL Soccer?

It was a good night for an RSL soccer game on April 22nd. They played Phoenix and we go to use our Pass of All Passes to go to the game. We rode Tony's motorcycle and parked across the street. This game was not sold out so traffic and crowds were not too bad.

Bundled up but having fun. It was really cold outside

The mascot was so funny

Here he is with a kid on his shoulder, his mom is a few rows back, and he sat the kid on the very front row of the section. Then he brought him a bucket of popcorn. Lucky kid!

Cool sunset going on back there

Neat looking clouds coming in

In the end the score was 0-0. Thank goodness for the free wi-fi that the Rio Tinto Stadium offers now and that I brought my phone and iPod touch to play on a bit. But, it was fun being at the game even though nobody scored.

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