Thursday, April 19, 2012

Covered in Color

March 24th the stars aligned and it worked out for me, after years of waiting, to attend the Festival of Colors in Spanish Fork, UT at the Krishna temple. Got a bit of a late start because Tony had to be at the Rio Tinto Stadium to pick up our RSL tickets at 10am so we left about 1030, picked up my friend Nicole and 2 of her friends in Provo. There was lots of traffic but we finally found a place to park and decided to pay to take the bus. We didnt have to wait too long but the throwing of colors is every 2 hours and it was about 12:45 before the bus driver filled the bus and shuttled us to the temple. He dropped us off close so we had to run and I am not good at running at all! Huffing and puffing we made it just in time, we didnt even have a chance to buy colors but it's okay , we bought some later.

 Our tickets to get in. Riding the bus was $1 round trip I believe and it was $2 to 
get in to the Festival of colors. 

Sitting waiting for our friends afterwards
A bird pipped all over Tony's head! haha ..jk..

A video will be posted here shortly :)

 Side view

So glad we were able to finally go to this together!

Stay tuned for another blog post from the Festival of Colors in SLC, smaller but still just as fun + my brother Evan got to participate since he was in town!

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