Sunday, December 4, 2011

Where To Begin?

So I totally failed blogging every day for NaNoWriMo...time to catch up and blog about Thanksgiving, some fun places Tony & I have eaten out lately , Tmobile Holiday party and more! First, check out this Christmas survey I found on a fellow blogger I follow...

1. egg nog or hot chocolate? I like both! Egg nog tastes like a milk shake to me. Soo good. I am really wanting a peppermint hot chocolate from Starbucks too

2. does santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree?
I'd say wrapped because you dont want to see what you get before Christmas!

3. colored lights on tree/house or white? both look good to me. I'd like to do white lights on our tree this year and will probably do my red and white colored bulbs for outside

4. do you hang mistletoe? nope

5. when do you put your decorations up? starting in December

6. what is your favorite holiday dish?
everything at my grandparents house that we eat on Christmas! Ham, deviled eggs, stuffed celery, a salad that has marshmallows in it...oh boy!

7. favorite holiday memory as a child? always going to my grandparents house and seeing the relatives and opening presents + the food!

8. when and how did you learn the truth about santa? I dont remember, when I was a kid, my parents told me but I dont remember how old I was

9. do you open a gift on christmas eve? growing up we started doing that for a few years, my mom and dad would buy a gift for each of us , something simple like Pringles or...well, Pringles is all I can remember. Probably just a food item. Then we would take turns picking a gift and you could steal someone elses gift if you want...or maybe we didnt do that part. Either way, it was fun to see what everyone got

10. how do you decorate your Christmas tree?
with ornaments. I want to get some silver and teal/light blue bulbs this year to hang along with our regular ornaments.

11. snow! love it or dread it? living in Utah where it snows, I dread it. Fun to visit but not to live in

12. can you ice skate? no tricks but yes I can! Love to ice skate!

13. do you remember your favorite gift? When I was like 8 or 9, I got a big chalkboard like the old ones they have in schools that you can flip and write on either side.  Loved that thing.

14. what's the most important thing about the holidays for you? remembering why we celebrate Christmas is #1, serving others and of course shopping, going to events in the community and making treats!

15. what is your favorite holiday dessert?
one of them would have to be chocolate peppermint bark
16. what is your favorite holiday tradition? it used to be doing the 12 Days of Christmas but now I guess its making holiday treats to share with friends and neighbors. Also going to see the lights on the temple grounds, whether it be in Oakland, CA, Mesa AZ or SLC , UT.

17. what tops your tree? not sure yet. Its my first Christmas being married..I guess I have all the ornaments from past years of having trees but I dont recall ever having an ornament on top. Tony & I will have to find a nice star I guess!

18. which do you prefer: giving or receiving?
its so fun shopping for people (kind of hard too) but its neat to see what gifts people get you that they picked I'd say, both!

19. candy canes: yuck or yum? pretty tasty. I like having the different flavored ones besides peppermint

20. favorite christmas show?  Elf and the old Miracle on 34th Street. Also, Its a Wonderful Life and Frosty the Snowman. I saw Arthur Christmas this year and wouldnt mind including that in my favorite Christmas shows!

21. saddest christmas song? sad Christmas songs? Not sure but I dont like "Santa Baby" or the "I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus" songs!

22. what is your favorite christmas song? any from The Forgotten Carols or "Baby, What You Going To Be" , never played on the radio but loved singing it in choir in CA when I participated in that sort of thing

If you want to play too, copy and paste the questions above into a blog post of your own.
Comment and let me know so I can go check out your answers!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, I forgot about the deviled eggs! I love my grandma's deviled eggs like nobody's business ha! I've never heard of The Fogotten Carols, I'll have to Google them. Thanks for playing along! :-)